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Tag: HVAC System

Signals that Your AC Needs Repair In Burlington, NC

As the temperature outside rises, so does the likelihood that your air conditioner will need repair. Here are some signs to look out for that indicate your AC unit is in need of professional attention:

1. The AC isn’t cooling your home as it should be: If you find yourself constantly adjusting the thermostat without relief, it’s time to call for help. To know more about AC repair services in Burlington, you can also click over here.

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2. You hear strange noises coming from the AC unit: Banging, grinding, and squealing sounds are all indications that something is wrong and repair is needed.

3. Your energy bills have spiked recently: An increase in utility costs can be a sign that your AC unit is working harder than usual due to an issue such as a dirty filter or Freon leak.

4. There is water pooling around the AC unit: This could be due to a number of issues such as a clogged drain line or condensate pump failure. Regardless of the cause, water near the AC unit is never a good sign! 

5. The AC is leaking: If it seems like your AC unit is constantly dripping, that could be cause for concern. We can help determine whether this is a sign of a minor leak or something more serious that needs repair.

We know that AC repairs can be unexpected and sometimes costly. That's why we're offering this special deal to help ease the financial burden. Whether it's a simple fix or a more complex issue, our team of certified technicians will get your AC unit up and running again in no time.

Importance of Basement Air Conditioning In Burlington NC

Summertime is a great time to be outside, but it can also be a tough time to be in the heat. That's why it's important to have an air conditioning unit in your basement. Not only will it make you more comfortable, but it will also keep your home cooler in the summertime. Here are some reasons why basement AC is so important:

-It Can Keep You Cool During the Day: When temperatures rise outside, your basement will become hot and uncomfortable very quickly. An air conditioning unit can help keep the temperature down inside your home, making it much more comfortable to be there. You can also browse this website to get more knowledge about basement air conditioning systems in Burlington NC.

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-It Can Keep You Cool at Night: Just like during the day, when temperatures drop outside in the evening, your home can become quite cold and unpleasant. An air conditioning unit can help you stay comfortable all night long, ensuring that you get a good night's sleep.

-It Can Protect Your Home from Weather Damage: A lot of damage can be done to a home by weather conditions such as hurricanes or floods. Air conditioning units can help protect your home from these types of weather conditions by keeping the temperature inside stable and cool.

If you have a family or an office, it is important to make sure your basement is cooled properly. In the summertime, the temperature in a well-insulated and ventilated basement can reach upwards of 110 degrees Fahrenheit. This heat can be unbearable for anyone who is trying to stay cool, especially if they are spending hours down there working on projects or just hanging out. By installing an air conditioning unit in your basement, you will be able to keep everyone comfortable and safe while staying relatively energy efficient.