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Tag: lotion for dark spots

Making the Skin Comfortable With Efficacious Treatments for Melasma

In fact, Melasma means brown or dark skin. This is known as the "pregnancy mask". Statistics have shown that 6 million women across America are currently experiencing this depressing, aesthetic concern. Melasma is referred to as tan or murky (dark) facial skin hyperpigmentation or discoloration.

By reading this article you can get the best information about treatment for melisma. If you want to buy the best treatment for melasma on the face then visit

Making the Skin Comfortable With Efficacious Treatments for Melasma

Yes, it can affect one's skin but it is most commonly found in pregnant women and women who are undergoing HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and taking birth control pills.

Melasma: Treatment

Usually, the blisters and dark spots on the skin disappear on their own but this can take a very long time. Lotions with a high concentration of SPF (15 or above) should be worn in the case of an individual when melasma occurs, as ultraviolet rays and sunlight stimulate the development of melasma as a result of a protective response to this external stimuli.

Given below are some remedies that will help a person remove dark spots:

  • Cosmetic cover-up to remove the appearance of the veil and black spots
  • Light creams available at 2% hydroquinone in chemist's shops
  • Prescription skin-lightening ointment containing 4% hydroquinone

Some effective remedies are given to lighten hyperpigmented patches:

  • Topical agents such as hydroquinone available at the strength of any chemist shop (2%) or prescribed ointments (4%).
  • Azelaic Acid helps in reducing the activity of pigment cells in the form of melanocytes.
  • Chemical peels containing alpha hydroxide and chemical peels containing glycolic acid.

All of the above treatments involve plodding and require strict prevention of ultraviolet rays. The application of mass spectrometers lotion (sunscreen) with physical blockers such as zinc dioxide and titanium dioxide is preferred as opposed to chemical blockers.

Home Remedies For Melasma Treatment

Melasma is a condition that leads to irregular patches of hyperpigmentation on the surface area. It is produced when the female hormones progesterone and estrogen stimulate pigment-producing cells to produce additional melanin after the skin is exposed to sunlight.

You can get more information about best treatment melasma via

Home Remedies For Melasma Treatment

There are quite a few melasma treatments that are not acceptable for pregnant girls and as many melasma sufferers are pregnant, safe medical options are necessary. If you do not need to wait until after pregnancy to get treatment, consider these home remedies for melasma.

Lemon Juice for Melasma

Lemon juice has organic skin cleansing properties and is probably the most common all-natural skincare recommendation. Every evening, using a cotton ball, apply fresh lemon juice to the affected areas, and leave the face to rising for 20 minutes before washing it.

For faster results, you can get it twice per day but we make sure to wash the lemon juice and use high-factor sunscreen before going out because lemon juice makes the skin sensitive to sunlight is.

Melasma and Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has been used for many skin diseases for centuries. The gel contained within the dense foliage of the aloe vera plant has anti-inflammatory and skin lightening properties. If you have found a plant, you can remove the gel in the leaves, otherwise, you can buy 100% aloe vera gel on the web.

During pregnancy or hormone therapy, protecting your skin in sunlight will help prevent hormonal hyperpigmentation.

If you are not pregnant or you have hyperpigmentation caused by hormonal drugs instead of pregnancy, you can use skin care products or alternative treatments for mesoma.

Chemical peels and laser therapy can be used to eliminate hyperpigmentation, but the hottest therapy is the skincare solution. There are quite a few skin lightening treatments available on the marketplace that contain only natural ingredients so that you might not have to harm your skin.