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Tag: Marijuana

About Cannabidiol Medical Marijuana

Marijuana is also known as pot, grass, and weeds, but its official name is actually cannabis. It comes from the leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis sativa. It is considered an illegal substance in the United States and many countries and possession of marijuana is a crime punishable by law. To know more benefits about CBD and delta 8 bulk visit .

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The FDA classifies marijuana as a Schedule I, a substance that has a very high potential for abuse and has no proven medical use. Over the years several studies claim that some substances found in marijuana have medicinal use, particularly in terminal illnesses such as cancer and AIDS. Appearance Let's look at the issues that support why medical marijuana should be legalized.

(1) Marijuana is a natural herb and has been used in South America to Asia as an herbal medicine for thousands of years. In this day and age when all-natural and organic terms are important health, natural herbs such as marijuana may be more attractive to and safer for consumers than synthetic drugs.

(2) Marijuana has strong therapeutic potential. Some studies, as summarized in the IOM report, it has been observed that marijuana can be used as an analgesic, such as pain treated. Some studies show that THC, the component of marijuana is effective in treating chronic pain experienced by cancer patients.

Cannabidiol (CBD), the main component of marijuana, has been shown to have antipsychotic, anticancer, and antioxidant. Other cannabinoids have been shown to prevent high intraocular pressure (IOP), a major risk factor for glaucoma.

Medical Advantages Of Marijuana

In this guide, we will speak about some medical advantages of marijuana which it is possible to enjoy whether you've got a health prescription. To put it differently, we're likely to lose some light about the borders on the grounds of scientific study.  

Pot isn't advisable for recreational purposes. According to investigators, marijuana or CBD can assist with treating absent-mindedness, malaria, gout, and rheumatism, simply to mention a couple.  Now, let us talk about a few of the notable advantages of this herb. You can visit this link for more information about CBD oils.

1.  Cancer Treatment

According to a study published in Molecular Cancer Biology, bud can help combat cancer.  Still another study discovered that CBD may also suppress the growth of cancer cells within the body.

2.  Prevents Alzheimer's Disease

CBD includes a highly effective ingredient named THC that helps restrain Alzheimer's disease, states the study that has been performed.  Additionally, THC can suppress the rise of amyloid plaques because it tends to obstruct the plaque-producing enzymes.   

3.  Treats Glaucoma

CBD can also help treat glaucoma.  In fact, bud reduces pressure on your own eyes, which will help safeguard your eyeball.

4.  Relieves Arthritis

Based on some 2011 inquiry, the investigator decided that cannabis helps patients eliminate swelling and pain.  Because of this, sufferers with the rheumatoid disease may get sufficient sleep.

5.  Treats Epileptic Seizure

Another study performed in 2003 found that the herb may be used in the treatment of epileptic seizures too. In fact, THC binds the tissues from the brain which are responsible for triggering seizures.