Self-publishing enables small businesses and individuals to fight with big guys on an equal footing when publishing books and other printed material using the power of the Internet. This self publishing book ability, together with the capacity to carry out quality research, allows you to get published and start selling at minimum cost and minimum risk!

Most all guys and gals want to write a book – may be to set down personal experiences, to support a personal campaign, or maybe to inform and instruct! But very few of them ever get beyond the stage of thinking about it. However, because you are here it is clear that you do want to do something. Perhaps you are planning your own self-publishing business? You're in the right place to learn how to make a success of your efforts.

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Before the Internet world split, the only way to get published was in traditional print. You had a choice of only two ways into this marketplace. The first was to submit a manuscript to a publisher who, if they liked it, would produce and sell your excellent prose under their conditions.

If they did not like it then the only alternative was for you to pay for the entire process, a method called 'vanity publishing. This was expensive, many thousands of dollars, as the whole first print run had to be printed at once – and with all costs covered by you. You still have both of these options and this is the main route into bookshops, but competition for spots is tougher and for non-mass-market publications, there are better alternatives.

The new world of on-demand publishing, where it is cost-effective to print finished publications one at a time and with an initial setup cost of around $10, means that anyone can get a book published – if they know how to do it well. Even that is only the cost of your final sample for checking before you press the big "GO" button to release your masterpiece.