Many adults find that teeth that were previously white and light in color eventually become discolored by coffee, tea, wine, soda, and tobacco. Even foods that are healthy for you can stain your teeth. In fact, water containing fluoride can even cause black spots. This can be a problem for young children who drank water throughout their childhood. 

Of course, some medications can cause discoloration and this may not help if you need to take medication prescribed by your doctor. Age-related discoloration may be unavoidable. The most effective way to whiten teeth is to visit the dentist. They may offer an at-home bleaching kit or an in-office bleaching procedure. Treatment in the dentist's office gives the fastest and most dramatic results. One may consult with a professional dentist by visiting

In this procedure, your mouth is opened for about 30 to 60 minutes, and a whitening agent is applied to your teeth. The solution used may need to be heated to activate the bleaching process. When it's time to wash off the bleach, your teeth will be rinsed. You may even be prescribed a fluoride treatment to relieve discomfort. You should avoid stained food and drink for at least 24 hours. If you have not quit smoking, you are advised to avoid smoking.

Keeping teeth white includes eating a balanced diet, brushing your teeth properly, flossing, and avoiding foods and drinks that stain your teeth. While you are having this treatment, you may want to change your diet or quit smoking. Quitting smoking not only makes your smile brighter and whiter, but it also offers immediate health benefits.