Achieving the perfect cat eye is a challenge for many, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and techniques, you can get that perfect look in no time. One of the best tools to use is a liquid eyeliner pen. You can also click on if you want to buy the best quality liquid eyeliner pen online.

Liquid eyeliner pens are much easier to control and create a smooth, precise line. The fine tip allows you to create a thin line or a bolder look depending on your preference. Plus, liquid eyeliner pens don't smudge or flake off like other types of eyeliner.

When applying liquid eyeliner, start by lightly sketching a line from the inner corner of your eye outwards. This will serve as a guide and help you create a more even line. Then, starting from the middle of your eye, draw a thin line along the lash line. You can make it thicker or longer depending on the look you want.

To create a cat eye, use the same technique, but instead of drawing the line along the lash line, extend it a bit beyond the corner of your eye. Then, fill in the gap with a slightly thicker line. Make sure to keep the lines as even as possible.

Once you have the shape you want, you can go back and add some more layers to make it bolder. Don't be afraid to experiment and try out different looks.