Dental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are also used to support dentures. Implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone where they fuse with the bone over time. This creates a strong foundation for artificial teeth, which are then attached to the implants.

If you're considering dental implants, it's important to find a qualified and experienced implant dentist like Ashwood Dental Surgery. They helped countless patients regain their smiles with beautiful, natural-looking dental implants. There are many benefits to getting dental implants, including:


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1. Dental implants are a long-term solution for missing teeth. They are designed to last a lifetime with proper care.

2. Dental implants can improve your appearance and self-confidence. They look and feel like your natural teeth, so no one will know you have them unless you tell them.

3. Dental implants can help you eat and speak more easily. With regular teeth, it can be difficult to chew certain foods or enunciate words properly. Dental implants function just like regular teeth, so you can eat and speak with ease.

4. Dental implants can preserve the health of your remaining teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, which rely on adjacent teeth for support, dental implants are self-supporting and do not put any extra stress on your other teeth. This helps to keep your remaining teeth healthy and strong.

5. Dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth. The success rate for dental implant surgery is very high, and complications are rare when the procedure is performed by a qualified surgeon.

With a range of options available, they can help you find the perfect solution that fits your lifestyle and needs. With the help of Ashburton's best dental implant services, you can ensure that your smile stays beautiful and healthy!