Tongue drums are an ancient percussion instrument that originated in Africa and South America. They are also known as slit gongs and are typically made of wood or bamboo. The instrument is made up of two or more tongues, which are cut into the body of the drum. When struck with a mallet, the tongues vibrate and create a unique and beautiful sound. You can also buy professional quality handpans and tongue from various online websites.

They are often used for meditation and relaxation. This is because the instrument's sound can be very calming and soothing. It can provide an escape from everyday stresses and worries and allow the user to enter into a state of peacefulness and relaxation.

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The sound of a tongue drum is also said to be beneficial for healing. It is believed that the vibrations can be used to unblock energy and create a sense of balance and harmony within the body. This can be especially helpful for those who suffer from stress or anxiety.

These drums can also be used to create a sense of connection with nature. The sound of the drum is said to be similar to the sound of a thunderstorm or the waves of the ocean. Listening to these sounds can help to bring a sense of peace and tranquility.

Finally, tongue drums can be used to create a sense of community. The sound of the drum can be shared and enjoyed by people from all walks of life. This can be a great way to connect with others and to share in a moment of peace and relaxation.