Divorce mediation is a process where couples can resolve their disputes through informal discussions. Mediation is free to both parties and does not require any legal representation. The goal of divorce mediation is to help the couple reach an agreement on their divorce, including financial issues and child custody. 

There are several factors that can lead to a successful outcome in divorce mediation . First, the mediator must be able to build trust and rapport with both parties. Second, the mediator should be knowledgeable about family law and be able to understand and negotiate on behalf of both parties. Finally, the mediator should be able to create a timeline for the proceedings and keep track of progress so that everyone remains informed. 

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If you are considering hiring a divorce mediator, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Begin by researching your options. There are many experienced divorce mediators available in Tucson. You can find a list of mediators in the Tucson area on the Arizona Coalition for Divorce Mediation website or by contacting one of the local mediation centers. 

2. Talk to friends and family about your decision. They may have personal experience with mediation or have recommendations for mediators they trust. 

3. Get an evaluation from a professional evaluator. An evaluation will provide you with an objective assessment of your strengths and weaknesses as a potential divorce mediator. This information will be invaluable when selecting a mediator. 

4. Be open to different mediation styles. Some couples prefer face-to-face mediation while others prefer telephone or video mediation. Ask your potential mediator which is more suited to your needs and preferences. 

5. Be prepared to commit to working with your chosen mediator for at least six months – if not longer depending on the situation and relationship between you and your spouse(s). A successful mediation process requires both parties to be committed to resolving their disputes collaboratively.