Kyphosis is an exaggerated curvature of the thoracic spine and is often referred to as a hunchback. While some cases of kyphosis may not require treatment, those that do can benefit from kyphosis correction surgery. This procedure is designed to reduce the curvature of the spine and improve the patient’s posture.

Kyphosis correction treatment involves a number of steps, depending on the severity of the curvature. In milder cases, a brace may be all that is needed. This brace helps to hold the spine in a more healthy position and can be worn for several hours per day. In more severe cases, however, surgery may be necessary.

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The first step in kyphosis correction surgery is to make an incision in the back and remove the extra vertebral body material that is causing the curvature. This material is then replaced with a bone graft, which helps to strengthen the spine and hold it in a more normal position.

The second step is to stabilize the spine. This is done with metal rods and screws that are inserted into the spine. These rods and screws help to keep the spine in a straighter position and prevent further curvature.

In some cases, a third step may be necessary. This involves the use of a bone graft to fill in any gaps between the vertebrae and to promote healing.

After the surgery is complete, the patient will need to wear a brace for several weeks or months to help hold the spine in its new position. Physical therapy can also be beneficial in helping the patient regain strength and mobility.